Ken Blackwell Thinks ‘Magic Negro’ Outrage is ‘Hypersensitivity?’

Ken Blackwell Thinks ‘Magic Negro’ Outrage is ‘Hypersensitivity?’ Matt Lewis reports that former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell thinks that outrage over RNC chair candidate Chip Saltsman’s racist gift are just being big babies:

“Unfortunately, there is hypersensitivity in the press regarding matters of race. This is in large measure due to President-Elect Obama being the first African-American elected president. I don’t think any of the concerns that have been expressed in the media about any of the other candidates for RNC chairman should disqualify them. When looked at in the proper context, these concerns are minimal. All of my competitors for this leadership post are fine people.”

I didn’t want to do this, but the response from the RNC, so far, has been a denunciation of Saltsman from a strategic standpoint, and a defense of him. None of them think there’s anything wrong with the CD itself. So, here are just 2 of the 41 songs on that CD. You tell me if I’m being “hypersensitive.”

I wonder if Blackwell would be this OK with, say, a Democrat, white or black, calling him an “Uncle Tom?” I sure wouldn’t do it, not even within the satirical construct of a triple-reverse ironical “parody song,” but that’s just hyper-sensitive me.

If Matt Lewis is right, and this moves Blackwell into the lead for chairmanship of the RNC, I will be the first to congratulate him. As current RNC chair correctly noted, the behavior that Blackwell validates here “clearly does not move (the RNC) in the right direction,” and that’s just fine with me.

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Barack Obama to be Sworn In Using Lincoln Bible

According to a press release by the Presidential Inaugural Committee, President-Elect Barack Obama will be sworn in using the same Bible that Abraham Lincoln used for that purpose:(via email)

Washington, D.C. – On January 20th, President-elect Barack Obama will take the oath of office using the same Bible upon which President Lincoln was sworn in at his first inauguration. The Bible is currently part of the collections of the Library of Congress. Though there is no constitutional requirement for the use of a Bible during the swearing-in, Presidents have traditionally used Bibles for the ceremony, choosing a volume with personal or historical significance. President-elect Obama will be the first President sworn in using the Lincoln Bible since its initial use in 1861.

Against the advice of most of his staff, Obama will also be sworn in while wearing a comically tall top hat, and has asked to give his inaugural address from a podium made from a series of interlocking “logs.”

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Topless Barack Obama Photos Meant to Ease Rick Warren Sting?

Topless Barack Obama Photos Meant to Ease Rick Warren Sting?

President Elect? More like President Select…Beef, that is!

Some hot new pix of Barack Obama are burning up the web, and showing the world that while we may not have a prime minister, our chief executive certainly is a prime cut of beef.

The pix are available at, which is crashing (probably from all the traffic), but Huffpo has the Full Monty of the sample pictured here.

As a formerly in-shape dude myself, I feel pretty confident in saying that the POTUS-E was totally “Oops! posing” for that shot, and I think I know why.

The President-Elect has taken a lot of heat, lately, from the LGBTQ community and its allies among the decent, for inviting homophobe and Tim-Allen-sidekick-lookalike Rick Warren (we would also accept Future Mark McGwire) to give the inaugural invocation.

This beefy pose is obviously an attempt at reconciliation. How sucessful it is is anyone’s guess. What do you think?%Poll-24251%

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The Cult of Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate

The Cult of Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate

The story of a group calling themselves the “We the People Foundation,” who are questioning the authenticity of Barack Obama’s natural-bornedness, has gotten a lot of attention this week due to their purchase of a full-page ad demanding access to the original birth certificate. On a related note, I am taking out a full-page ad demanding access to Jessica Alba’s sock drawer.

As it happens, my Unusable Signal co-host, Christina Cedeno, is also the proprietor of, a website that has been following this story since the dawn of time. If you have the inclination, you can click here to see the extremely thorough research they’ve done on this issue.

Because of her familiarity with this issue, I asked Christina to weigh in, and she graciously agreed. Here is her take on the issue, followed by my own brief commentary.

An Open Letter to We The People Foundation…and the Cult of the Certificate of Live Birth


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Barack Obama Not Buying Michelle Obama $30k Ring

Barack Obama Not Buying Michelle Obama $30k Ring

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Drudge is pushing a story from the London Daily Mail that has President-Elect Barack Obama making an epic splurge on First Lady-Elect Michelle Obama:

The Harmony ring is made of rhodium – the world’s most expensive metal –and encrusted with diamonds. It is being hastily made by Italian designer Giovanni Bosco in time for January’s inauguration ceremony.

Only about 25 tons of rhodium are mined each year, mostly in South Africa, and as a result its price is typically around £5,000 an ounce.

There’s just one problem: The story isn’t true.

The Obama Press Office told me this:

The story is not true, there is no $30,000.00 ring.

I also contacted the jeweler in the story, Bosco Giovanni. Here’s what their spokesman, Enrico Gamba, said via email:

I regret to inform you that because of reports so wrong and clearly different from the reality of our statements, we decided to not issue statement on this matter.

Unfortunately, we were negatively affected by read on national and foreign media news stories that have no basement[sic], and in excess of the objective reality.

I inform you that we have no intention to disseminate more information about this story.

Much like the tale of Michelle Obama’s Caligula-style snack at the Waldorf-Astoria, this is another attempt to paint the Obamas as elitist and out of touch that has proven false.

Even so, if the story had been true, I would have to say that Obama was getting off cheap, considering his epic failure to remember how long the couple has been married. Barack, if you’re reading this, I can totally put you in touch with that jeweler. I recommend you get the matching earrings.

Tommy Christopher co-hosts “Unusable Signal” , on BlogTalkRadio Tues – Thur at 10pm, and Fri, & Sat at 11pm. Click here for the Unusable Signal homepage.