TBogg is the Boyfriend Keith Olbermann Deserves?


I hate to break it to you, TBogg, but KO is spoken for.

The Firedoglaker is at it again, attacking yours truly in a fit of blind partisan snrage (that’s “snark” and rage”), and once again getting his facts wrong.

The provocation this time was the fact that I pointed out Keith Olbermann’s fingerbang salute to Carrie Prejean. I actually took it pretty easy on KO, of whom I am a big fan. Unfortunately, some liberals require blind idolatry, even when it runs counter to actual liberalism.

I went on to critique the left’s treatment of Prejean, another big no-no in TBogg-land.

First, though, he references the last story he got wrong about me:

When we last saw  Conservative Pet Liberal Tommy Christopher he was getting blog-killed by Big Bunny because he had the blogdacity*  to go “shame shame” over Guy Cimbalo’s hatefuck article/post thingy. As it turned out, pretty much anyone who was familiar with Cimbalao’s article shared Tommy’s opinion, but the timing of AOL’s de-Tommyfying was enough to throw the wingnuts into a frenzy.

Well, they’re always in a frenzy, but it was kismet that day because the Mexicans, Muslims, and Negroes  were  behaving themselves. At least for for a few hours.

Now we see that Tommy has washed up on the shores of the  Mediaite (I don’t know how to pronounce it either) blog which is kinda of like the crackbaby lovechild of Politico and Tiger Beat (”Who’s Hot Who’s Not!” “Win a Dream Date with Dreamylicious Jake Tapper!” etc.).

The “wingnuts” in a frenzy? Right, like The Huffington Post, or Howard Kurtz? He also displays the same class that led him to make fun of special needs children last time, tossing his barbs at crack babies here. Real nice.

He also forgot to check his facts again. I got fired from Politics Daily, asshole. I still work for AOL now, still write about politics for them. AOL offered me a new job the next day.

He also posits that I only defend young, hot, conservative women. You know, like Kevin Jennings or Van Jones. Boing!

True, I was also fortunate enough to land a great gig with Mediaite that permits me to get out of my jammies and into the real world once in a while.

Factual lapses aside, he also goes on to miss the entire point of my post. By attacking Prejean’s tits and masturbatory habits, the left has amplified her importance well beyond what it should be, and made themselves look ugly in the process. Keith Olbermann’s (thankfully non-glistening) fingers may be worth a chuckle to some, but at what price? What average American is going to watch that and say “My, that Keith Olbermann is a clever fellow. Let me probe his views on marriage?”

TBogg says “As to his point that she has been amplified, her book sales (#846) at Amazon tell another story.” I say the problem was never that she was selling books.

Finally, before TBogg tries to accuse someone of being a “Conservative pet liberal,” maybe he should think about elevating his own editorial standards to at least equal Hannity’s. At least he admits he’s “mistaken” when somebody busts him.

Media Lizzy Dismissed by Politics Daily:Playboy’s Hate F*** List Strikes Again


For those of you who followed the saga of the Playboy “Hate F*** List,” it’s deletion by Playboy (then by Politico), my firing from Politics Daily, and its Editor-in-Chief’s campaign of lies to cover it up, there is a newer, sadder, much more unjust wrinkle to this story.  You may recall that Media Lizzy played a pivotal role in outing Melinda Henneberger as a liar, providing a smoking-gun email that detailed Politic’s Daily’s internal decision not to address the Playboy story at all.

Now, a month later, Melinda Henneberger has struck again.  From Lizzy’s new site: (bookmark it!)

I was informed yesterday by the (Politics Daily) Hot Seat editor that our relationship was being terminated.  Zero notice.  No reason given.  Nada.  Gee, do ya think it could be because of the Playboy controversy – and publicly outing Melinda Henneberger for lying about her relationship to the firing of Tommy Christopher?

As of this writing, Politics Daily hasn’t explained the dismissal.  I checked with other Hot Seat contributors, and none of them have been let go, although that may change if Melinda wants to cover her tracks again.

There are multiple ironies here, but chief among them is that this is an achievement of the Playboy article’s mission, to harm and marginalize conservative women.  In this case, it has managed to do so to a wonderful woman who was spared inclusion on the original list.

Along with the injustice, I object to the cowardly manner in which this was done, quietly, a month after the fact.

I take comfort in knowing that, although the intent here was not benevolent, my friend Lizzy will feel less harm from this than Politics Daily will.  Disagree with her as I might, it won’t be a tango without her.

Air America Declares Politics Daily a Conservative Website

You wouldn’t know it by the way they go out of their way to bury attacks on conservative women, but Air America makes a decent case:

Although PoliticsDaily.com, one of AOL’s daily political news suppliers, aims to offer “smart pieces from across the ideological spectrum,” it may be pandering, intentionally or not, to AOL’s increasingly conservative audience.

…On AOL’s political page, the top most-commented articles from today report “Sarah Palin Launches New Attacks on Government Stimulus,” “Meghan McCain Accuses Brian Williams of ‘Bowing’ to President Obama,” and “Obama on Clinton: A ‘Loose Cannon’ Who Tells ‘Bald-Faced Lies’.”

It’s a tough to argue with that, especially given its new Chief Editor’s platypus ideology: Continue reading

David Letterman Attacking Palin Women Part of a Larger Problem

(To prevent confusion later in this article, for anyone new to this blog, I am a liberal, as liberal as the day is long.  I’m so liberal, I made my kids form a labor union before assigning them chores.)

There’s a whole lot of justified outrage going on about David Letterman’s recent attacks on Sarah Palin and her 14 year-old daughter.  There really is no denunciation strong enough for these attacks, which are in many ways more egregious than the Guy Cimbalo “Hate F*** List” that Playboy and Politico took down.

Letterman’s attacks were made in an exponentially larger, broader forum, and included the statutory rape of a minor child.  They cannot be taken down or redacted.

Sarah Palin appeared on my friend John Ziegler’s radio show yesterday, where John asked her about Letterman’s act.  I’ll let her have the first word before I get to what Letterman actually said.

In case you missed it, here are Letterman’s “jokes”: (h/t Hot Air) Continue reading

Melinda Henneberger’s New, Stunning Lies About Playboy-Related Firing

In a new interview with Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey regarding the recent Playboy controversy, Politics Daily editor-in-Chief Melinda Henneberger told, perhaps, her most stunning lie to date:

Tommy’s article was not approved for publication before it hit the site, Henneberger said, and she didn’t want it reposted, so she deleted it.

Continue reading

Melinda Henneberger Takes the Blogosphere to SCHOOL!


Politics Daily Editor in Chief Melinda Henneberger has further broken her silence on my firing, and given us all a valuable lesson in journalism versus blogging in the process:

Levi Johnston has told GQ Magazine that First Dude Todd Palin offered to buy his daughter Bristol a car in exchange for dumping him. (The story does not say whether we’re talking Maserati or Sebring Sedan here. Or whether young Bristol collected when they did break up, though since they’re still exchanging flirty test-messages, probably not.

Oops, that’s not the right story, but I am dying to find out what a “flirty test message” is.

No, here it is: Continue reading

Breaking: Firedoglake Says My Girlfriend Got Fired!


The great minds at Firedoglake have really stumbled on a scoop here.  In their zeal to smear me and defend hate-f***ing, they managed to fire my girlfriend from a job she never had: Continue reading

Melinda Henneberger Supports Tommy Christopher Taking on Playboy?

The saga of the Playboy Hate F*** List, my denunciation of it, and my subsequent firing by Politics Daily Editor-in-Chief Melinda Henneberger, just got a whole lot stranger.

I’ve been gratified by the  widespread support since my firing, especially since I only wrote what any decent human being would.  I would have been elated to be drowned out by a chorus of agreement.  Still, I am blown away by the source of my most recent accolade: Politics Daily Editor-in-Chief Melinda Henneberger: (From HuffPo) Continue reading

Megyn Kelly Chills Free Speech the Way it Oughta Should

Ed Morrissey played this clip on his show yesterday, but it bears repeating.  This is only the 2nd Megyn Kelly clip I’ve seen, but she’s 2 for 2 now.

Some have made the tired argument that the Playboy episode amounts to a chill on free speech.  I’d present them this clip, and reply that it has actually resulted in a fine example of same.

That’s the beauty of freedom.  Everybody has it.  In this case, Megyn’s free speech was rock, and Guy Cimbalo’s was scissors.  Game on!

This Has Got to Stop Now

I made the mistake of wandering into the comments section of Melinda Henneberger’s latest story for Politics Daily.  I didn’t read all of them, but there was one in particular in which someone engaged in vicious, misogynist name-calling.  Since it wasn’t deleted, I hope that means she hasn’t read it yet.  I’m going to email another editor to see if it can be deleted.

Less heinous, but still disturbing, were attacks on Melinda’s writing style and skill.  Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but Melinda is an accomplished writer, with nothing to prove on that score.  In any case, I would not have another writer criticized in the process of defending me.

Anonymity and a sense of injury do not make everything fair game.