Ancient Egyptian Text: “Anti-Semitic Libtards Believe Jews Are Too Weak To Build Pyramids!”

Editor’s note: This post is by guest contributor Jon Bershad, who’s also a writer/editor at

Unless you’ve been under a rock the past couple of months or so, you’ve probably noticed the “It Gets Better Project” and all the other media hoopla surrounding anti-gay bullying. Hopefully though, you, like other brave souls, have seen this for what it truly is: obvious liberal homophobia. Clearly these gay rights activists actually hate gays because they believe homosexuals incapable of standing up for themselves. It’s just like all of those civil rights idiots who hate blacks and want to coddle them. Unfortunately, this kind of rank, left-wing bigotry has existed as far back as wings themselves as proven by recent translations of texts from ancient Egypt. Continue reading

Target CEO Responds to MN Forward Donation Concerns

As a supplement to my Mediaite piece on the subject, here is Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel’s letter to his employees regarding the company’s donation to MN Forward:

Dear Target Team,

In the past week I’ve heard from some of you, including our GLBT team members, regarding your concerns with Target’s recent contributions to MN Forward, an independent expenditure committee that is supported by a broad coalition of large and small businesses throughout the state, including the Minnesota Business Partnership and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce.

As you know, Target has a history of supporting organizations and candidates, on both sides of the aisle, who seek to advance policies aligned with our business objectives, such as job creation and economic growth.  MN Forward is focused specifically on those issues and is committed to supporting candidates from any party who will work to improve the state’s job climate. However, it is also important to note that we rarely endorse all advocated positions of the organizations or candidates we support, and we do not have a political or social agenda.

In the context of this contribution, some of you have raised questions regarding our commitment to diversity, and more specifically, the GLBT community.  Let me be very clear, Target’s support of the GLBT community is unwavering, and inclusiveness remains a core value of our company. Some current examples of that support include:

•                    Domestic Partner Benefits

•                    Sponsorship of Twin Cities Pride

•                    Sponsorship of Out & Equal Workplace Summit

In addition, Target’s rating of 100% on the 2009 and 2010 Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index further demonstrates the reputation our company has earned.

As CEO, I consider it my responsibility to create conditions in which Target can thrive, and I promise to do so with the best interests of our guests, team, shareholders and communities in mind.  I appreciate your input and understanding.


Gregg Steinhafel

Chairman, President and CEO

¤ Target

Matt Drudge’s Filthy Gay-Baiting Janet Napolitano Headline and Photo

This pretty much says it all. Not only is this sickeningly homophobic, but the story Drudge links to fails to note that the 300 full-body scanners ($51 million worth) were already funded prior to the Christmas bombing attempt. Is it a good idea? Debatable, but not because Janet Napolitano is gay, and therefore addicted to peeping at your goodies.

Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients Visit the Briefing Room

alex01thumbThe sixteen recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, this country’s highest civilian honor, were awarded their medals today in the East Room of the White House. I was lucky enough to cover it today, even though I ended up, as per usual, behind everybody. Good pictures were hard for someone without a professional setup to come by – out of about 250 I took all day, I think maybe 30 are passably good. Gallery of acceptable shots to follow.

About an hour after the ceremony concluded, Billie Jean King herself came down to visit the briefing room, and consented to answer a few short questions. “I want to give everyone who made my medal possible a piece of it, but I wouldn’t have enough pieces!” she said to the press as she turned the medal over, revealing the engraved name on the back: Billie Jean Moffitt King. “I don’t deserve it, though. Harvey Milk deserved it,” she added. “This is the first time, I think, the LGBT community has really been honored by the White House.” Continue reading

Birthers Endorse Chuck Norris For President


With all of the recent noise surrounding the “Birther” movement, I pitched a conspiracy theory roundup to my editors at Asylum.  As I was researching the article, I came across this hilarous Chuck Norris Fact:  The Birthers endorse Chuck for President.

There’s a link on the official Birther homepage to the Chuck Norris 2012 page, where you’ll find the answers to the obvious question:

Why Chuck Norris? Do you need to ask?

Actually, I would have said, “Chuck Norris for President? WTF?” I digress.

Our country needs leadership and Chuck is the one to give it to us! He has a strong moral and professional background and is a leader in everything he does. He will uphold the Constitution and protect all of our rights!

Unless you’re gay.

He is respected by our troops and has proven himself financially responsible.

He has already proven that he has a sence of humor!
If I am elected president – Chuck Norris (06/11/2007)
If I Am Elected Vice President – Chuck Norris (05/20/2008)
– And don’t forget Chuck Norris Facts

While you are at it, check out The Birthers, Dedicated to the rebirth of our Constitutional Republic.

The strange thing, though, is that the Birther-run Chuck Norris 2012 doesn’t feature any proof at all that Norris is a natural-born US citizen.  What gives?  What’s the difference between Chuck Norris and Barack Obama?  No, it couldn’t be that Norris is white and Obama isn’t.  Why is that the first thing you people always think of?

No, there’s no other conclusion to be drawn.  The entire “Birther” movement was created as a smokescreen to cover up Norris” own Kenyan birth.  Chuckers, unite!  Demand proof that this isn’t true!

Cripes, Not Another Book Challenge

alex01thumbI only had to read the lede to know that this story was going to make me angry:

A fight over books depicting sex and homosexuality has riled up a small Wisconsin city, cost some library board members their positions and prompted a call for a public book burning.

Are these people for real? “We don’t like this book, so we’re going to have it banned/burned”? I am actually speechless. Then again, I usually am when my favorite medium is so disrespected. A sane person would argue, “If you don’t like what these books say, you don’t have to read them. Nobody is holding your eyes open, A Clockwork Orange-style, and forcing you to read Rainbow Boys.”

Of course, why would anybody listen to reason when it’s so much more fun to damn the torpedoes and hide things you personally disagree with from public view? Continue reading

Jake Tapper Pits Bill Clinton vs Obama on Same Sex Marriage

This is from Wednesday’s briefing.  Robert Gibbs, and President Obama, can count on the press corps to take every shot they can to get better answers on same sex marriage and DADT.  In this case, Jake Tapper uses Bill Clinton’s recent epiphany on gay marriage (DOMA arigato, Bubba) as an entree’ into the subject, with Gibbs repeating the same disappointing answer.

Why do we ask the same questions over and over?  Because sometimes, you ask one of those questions the right way, and you get a little something different.  If you don’t push, you’ll never get that rock up the hill.

HuffPo’s (Unintentional?) Gay Porn Headline


The front page editors at Huffington Post getting a little cute with their headlines?  Here’s the actual headline to the article they linked to: Continue reading

Meghan McCain Quotes of the Week: Bras, Bugs, & Beta Males

Unfortunately, Meghan McCain’s boobs can’t really talk, but thankfully, Meg’s Twitter feed is such a treasure trove of good quotes, they really don’t have to.  Politico even put one of Meghan’s tweets in its “Politi-quotes: The week in one-liners,” but I think she deserves a whole list to herself.

First, there was Politico’s pick, Meg’s tweet about killing a cockroach in her sink.  Funnier than that, though, were her followups.  Apparently, this one spurred a flurry of cockroach fun facts:

WHAT? @HeyDaveJ Tip: Put a paper towel over the cockroach before you kill it. They carry eggs on their back, and that way they don’t spread. 9:58 AM Jun 27th from web

stop tweeting me about roach eggs people! good lord, I just killed one! 10:18 AM Jun 27th from web

I have to give Meg some props here.  Even though she said “Ewww!”, she did kill the roach herself.  Several years ago, I had a girlfriend who made me drive 2 hours to the City so I could kill a roach that she had trapped under a glass.  To be fair, the thing was the size of a Rottweiler puppy, but it was also missing a bunch of legs.

Now, killing is second nature to Meghan, putting her even more squarely in the “Cool Chick” category, the kind of girl that every guy wants to have a beer with, then have breakfast with.

My favorite Meg quote (aside from her perceptive take on our Meg story) was this 2-Tweet decimation of her conservative critics:

I love people that tell me “I’m doing damage to the GOP”, yeah cause Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Sen. Ensign, Gov Sanford and the entire Bush administration have nothing to do with the GOP’s problems, no…it’s my 5″1 ass in a pushup bra thats the real problem with the GOP… about 19 hours ago from web

She’s right, of course.  The problem isn’t her ass, but the GOP’s habit of telling people what to do with their own asses, while stealth-hunting extracurricular booty.

Finally, she launches a funny one-liner at Hot Air blogger Allahpundit, who self-deprecatingly refers to himself as a “beta male”:

@allahpundit I don’t like beta males darlin’, I am a lot of a lot to date and guys gotta be able to handle it! 12:41 AM Jun 27th from web in reply to allahpundit

At least now, he’ll know who to call if he needs some exterminating done for him.

Other highlights this week include her run-in with an unhinged taxi driver, smackdown of a jerky Twitter troll, and coinage of a great Battlestar Galactica-related catch phrase.  What I’m saying is, you’re missing out on a full life if you don’t follow Meg’s Twitter feed.

Daily Kos Founder Twitter-Feuds with Meghan McCain Over Gay Marriage

This kind of thing really makes me mad.  I’m going to try to be chill, but there might be profanity below the fold.

Meghan McCain was tweeting about a Washington Monthly article that named her as a “meaningless” advocate of gay marriage:

It was pretty meaningless to hear Meghan McCain urge her Republican Party to come around on gay marriage. It seemed a bit more important when Steve Schmidt, John McCain’s campaign manager, gave the GOP the same advice.

But in terms of influence in Republican politics, Dick Cheney is on another level.

While their point is that Cheney carries more political weight, their swipe at Meg was gratuitous and inaccurate.  Meg has done more than most to publicize marriage equality, and not in the ugly, Perez Hilton way.  To call her meaningless, or all of the other non-Dick people who work hard to achieve equality for everyone, is just wrong.

So, when Meg pointed this out on her Twitter feed, here’s the response she got from Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas:


Before I comment further, and before I get to Meghan McCain’s statement on this feud, let me lay out the rest of the Twitter conversation for you, in chronological order: Continue reading