White House: Obama Teleprompter Story Not True

White House: Obama Telepromter Story Not True

After Barack Obama’s first prime-time press conference, there were stories circulating among the right-o-sphere/PUMA-ocracy about Barack Obama’s teleprompter.  The story went, in part, that he used the prompter during the Q&A, not just his opening remarks.  (Not true, you can see on any broadcast that the screens lowered into the floor at that point.)

The other part of the story was that the White House is in the process of installing a video screen into the podium, so the President can get “Cliff notes” during press conferences.  I asked Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton about it today.

He laughed, and said, “Have you seen that anyplace credible, from any credible source?”

That depends on your definition of “credible,” I suppose.  The American Spectator claimed to have hard reporting on the videoscreen story, although anonymously sourced.

Burton went on to say that the story is completely false, there is no, nor will there be, a videoscreen.

Really, the story is a little ridiculous on its face.  The White House is “trying” to install a frickin’ videoscreen?  The kind you can get put in your minivan at any K-Mart?

So, don’t believe everything you read, kids.

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  1. Nice debunking job, although I knew it was a ridiculous rumour. You were funny on Twitter this afternoon, too! The “Ednecks” bumper sticker and the CNN narration jokes were especially good. Ana Marie Cox was also cracking me up – check out the jokes about Santelli and the one about Henry & Rahm.

  2. […] “Big Boy.” No, I’m referring to the notion, birthed by anti-Obama wingnuts, aided by lies, and given wings by the MSM through constant repetition, that Barack Obama is purely a construct of […]

  3. […] but it gets better. He goes on to reference another lie of a story, one which I personally debunked in another story. Neat bit of symmetry there, huh? Here’s his claim: Apparently, Obama is looking to install a […]

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