Playboy Magazine Officially Hates Women, Conservative or Otherwise


Update 4: Caleb Howe at Redstate has screenshots of the whole shameful mess.  The bunny can run…

Update 3: Politico posts a waaaay watered-down version of the list (via Lizzy, thanks!).  Anne Schroeder chooses a sub-heading, “10 Conservative Women We Hate to Love,” and lists the names.  She didn’t notice that every other word in the piece was some combination of hate and fuck?

I also have a small quibble with Lizzy’s piece, namely this part: “Little did I know that Obama’s hope-n-changey fans would resort to rape fantasies.”  The guy is obviously not a conservative, but he’s also no more representative of liberals than Perez Hilton is representative of gay rights advocates.  Both are bigmouths with courtside seats.

On the other hand, as Lizzy also points out, I haven’t heard much from liberals calling the guy out, either.  Let’s see how that goes.

Update 2: Thanks to Cube for…he knows what for.

Update: Playboy appears to have pulled the piece.  Way to go, Tweeps!  I had to move this story from Politics Daily, due to the content of Playboy’s piece, a first.  That goes to show how offensive this really is.  Even with the use of F*** in lieu of “fuck,” the theme of the F word was so pervasive in the piece that it was really out of place for that audience.  Because I saw no way to re-write it to soften it up enough, I’m publishing it here.

Over the years, “tasteful” porn dinosaur Playboy Magazine has been the subject of pop cultural debate. IsamandaC the nudity exploitation, or empowerment? Does the magazine celebrate women, or degrade them? If so, are the articles really worth all of that?

I received several of the answers via my Twitter feed this morning. Washington Times columnist Amanda Carpenter sent this jawdropper about the magazine’s latest feature:

I’m in Playboy for GOP women they’d like to “hate f***” They didn’t even get my employer right. What should I do? Mon 01 Jun 11:51 via web

I’m steamed. That list is vile, insulting and WRONG on factual matters. Mon 01 Jun 11:54 via web

I thought maybe Amanda was paraphrasing, so I clicked the link. Nope, they did it. I contacted Amanda to get her reaction. Here’s what she said:

“The use of the word hate **** makes this list vile and completely out of line. To suggest to men that GOP women should have some kind of rough sex pushed on them because of their political beliefs is sickening. They are smearing professional women over politics and not even pretending to look at facts. They didn’t even get my employer right, but there was detailed descriptions of how I might perform in bed.”

Here’s the “abashed” version of their setup for the list:

Obama promised us the dream of post-partisanship-a cuckoo land where party affiliation and factional animosity were forgotten. Turn on cable news or open any newspaper, however, and you’ll quickly discover that the dream has yet to materialize. But there is a way to reach across the aisle without letting principles fall by the wayside. We speak, naturally, of the hate f***. We may despise everything these women represent, but goddammit they’re hot. Let the healing begin.

Now, I’m no prude. Far from it. I know what they’re going for here. We’ve all experienced the phenomenon of having a strong attraction for someone whom we should want nothing to do with. The sexual chemistry of opposites transcends politics, and a certain level of aggression between consenting frenemies can be a powerful enhancement.

But I, in a million years, would never characterize the ignition of these sparks as a “hate f***.” The Playboy piece goes on to give each of the women on the list a “Hate F*** Rating.” Each entry has its own brand of offense, saying of Mary Katherine Ham “This Ham’s not kosher,” for example.

I get that Playboy is a sex magazine, but I don’t see what hate has to do with sex. While the author might think it’s funny or edgy, none of these women consented to be “hate f***ed,” and the whole exercise is just foul and creepy.

What’s worth noting, too, is that although he singles out conservative women, the author belies a hostility toward all women.

I outgrew my fascination for Playboy magazine the very instant I was able to purchase one for myself. Hopefully, any other men who claim to love women will kick the habit, too. As of this writing, a “Boycott Playboy” twitter campaign is already underway.


  1. […] Tommy Christopher concurs (link […]

  2. […] Tommy Christopher of Politics Daily writes, “Playboy Magazine Officially Hates Women, Conservative or Otherwise”: I get that Playboy is a […]

  3. “Playboy appears to have pulled the piece..”

    Somebody should lose his/her job over this. What were they thinking…?

  4. […] In fact, this guy’s offense is so serious, it warrants the most seldom-used penalties in the bro code: The Cock-blockback.  Under normal cirumstances, even a cockblocked bro is forbidden from blocking back.  Ya just keep walking.  But when you’ve got a serial game-killer on the loose, you’ve got to put a stop to it, for the good of all bro-kind.  That’s why this guy’s act had to be called out before the world. […]

  5. “The sexual chemistry of opposites transcends politics, and a certain level of aggression between consenting frenemies can be a powerful enhancement.”
    Most assuredly, even between those at different ends of the SAME ideological spectrum 😉

    Speaking of ideology, the reprehensible premise (and content) of this article also transcends Left or Right. Personally, the pregnancy reference especially induced nausea upon reading it. The case for ethical behaviour, in journalism or any other arena, knows no right or left. WRONG is WRONG, plain and simple. I’m glad that our collective Twitattack managed to effect change in a positive manner; it’s gratifying to learn that the reach and influence of this relatively new social media outlet is this extensive.

    Concerning AOL PD (police department?) deleting your post, why the new standards for censorship, when this piece is undoubtedly consistent both in theme and content with the body of work you’ve been producing for them for lo the past 20 months?!

    Bloody well done, Tommy! 😉

  6. […] guardian of liberal values and gatekeeper of Conservative chastity-belts nationwide, trumpets a call to boycott Playboy and rightfully exposes Playboy’s surreptitious hatred of all women. Over the years, […]

  7. Guy Cimbalo is one creepy man. I’d cross the street if I saw him slithering down it.

  8. […] guardian of liberal values and gatekeeper of Conservative chastity-belts nationwide, trumpets a call to boycott Playboy and rightfully exposes Playboy’s surreptitious hatred of all women. Over the years, […]

  9. […] EDIT: Tommy Christopher, a liberal blogger, comes through with Playboy Magazine Officially Hates Women, Conservative or Otherwise […]

  10. […] of the piece were so vile that the AOL News publication Politics Daily wouldn’t leave a liberal writer’s criticism of it […]

  11. holy meowmeow Batman!

  12. […] Via everyone, including some of the commenters at AoSHQ, Moe Lane, Yid with Lid, Ed at Hot Air, and Tommy Christopher. […]

  13. […] Yesterday, Playboy writer Guy Cimbalo published a top ten list of conservative women against whom he would like to commit vulgar and violent sexual acts. His piece, which has since been removed by the skin mag’s Web site, was actually promoted to conservative sites like NewsBusters by Playboy’s PR people (see editor’s note at bottom of the post). Cimbalo’s hate-filled and misogynistic write-up drew the condemnation of many conservatives and even some liberals. […]

  14. […] Politico Sanitizes Vile Playboy Attack on Conservative Women Posted by Internet Guru June 2, 2009 Yesterday, Playboy writer Guy Cimbalo published a top ten list of conservative women against whom he would like to commit vulgar and violent sexual acts. His piece, which has since been removed by the skin mag’s Web site, was actually promoted to conservative sites like NewsBusters by Playboy’s PR people (see editor’s note at bottom of the post). Cimbalo’s hate-filled and misogynistic write-up drew the condemnation of many conservatives and even some liberals. […]

  15. […] her inclusion on Playboy’s “Hate F***” list (profanity below the fold), so I wrote a story about it, which got re-Tweeted like mad.  The resulting Twitter uprising apparently caused Playboy to take […]

  16. […] this post: Playboy Magazine Officially Hates Women, Conservative or Otherwise. (NB: I haven’t clicked through any of the links on the page so don’t know how […]

  17. […] tone which somehow escaped the notice of pretty much the whole left side of the blogosphere, other than Tommy Christopher. When a writer at Playboy feels comfortable writing something this vile, something the left was […]

  18. Wow, edgy, like the dailykos comments section. Rape and hate is funny. Conservative women are bad people so anything goes!

  19. […] and Tommy Christopher’s blog here:… […]

  20. Hatef**k doesn’t mean rape, idiots! It’s consensual sex with someone for whom you feel a twofold passion–one, a disgust for their ideals, and two, a lust for their body. For example, a Republican lobbyist and a Green Party activist might be deeply irritated by one another’s personalities, but feel an irresistible attraction.

    Calm the hell down.

  21. I think I described accurately the difference between what you’re talking about and “hate-fucking.”

  22. I want to thank Guy Cimbalo. Why?

    Simple. I go to a college that allows concealed carry. Next time I am at a speech by one of these women, and a leftist man approaches her, I will have this article as proof that he intends to rape her.

    (edited-please read the rules…TC)

  23. So political (in)correctness rules again. God forbid we let satire, ironic humor and the like loose into the world!

    Yeah, gotta clamp down on those edgy editorial pieces. Keep the world nice and soft and protect the eyes and ears of the sensitive. Sure, that’ll work.

  24. Thank you for writing this, and thank you for being sensible enough to really explain what is wrong with this entire sentiment (because apparently for some it’s not as obvious). I despise the term “hate-fucking”; I hear it all the time at work and otherwise, and yes, it is VERY different from being counter-intuitively attracted to someone you’d otherwise despise. In the contexts I’ve heard it, when a woman is powerful and outspoken, and inspires resentment from men around her, it’s as if the only way they can tolerate to be around her is to think about “hate-fucking” her. In other words, if they can think about her as a sex object, then it makes it easier to deal with the reality that she is in fact more powerful than they.

    This piece only highlights how cavalier some men are about their inherent privilege, and how they think nothing of using sex as a weapon against women. This is not edgy journalism; it’s hate, and it’s disgusting.

  25. […] say that I mean no slight to the liberal, and other, women I love to love.  You weren’t the ones attacked, though, and I think you know who you are […]

  26. […] sake of your next lay, whatever works I suppose, like I said I’m tired.  The author’s first post on the topic made it clear he was outraged on  humanitarian grounds so he gets a pass: I get that Playboy is a […]

  27. […] Playboy Magazine Officially Hates Women, Conservative or Otherwise Update 4: Caleb Howe at Acticons has screenshots of the whole shameful mess.  The bunny can run… Update 3: […] […]

  28. wow like we didnt know that
    however, at times women love playboy too!

  29. Hey, easy on Playboy. Didn’t you know that hatred of women is coming back in style? If you don’t believe me, google roissy in dc. I refuse to drop a link to such vile trash, but just a look through a few of his posts, and the deluded idiots who agree with his every utterance, will show you. Make sure you find the one where he says that you should beat the shit out of your wife or girlfriend, because she’ll always come back with a dripping pussy.

  30. Update 5: The link in Update 4 is broken 🙂

  31. […] there came but one voice that defended women but more precisely those hit by the Playboy article. Tommy Christopher. There were other voices from the left, but they mostly prevaricated the “They were clearly […]

  32. […] blogger. For whatever reason, Politics Daily has fired him. This comes on the heels of Christopher breaking a story about Playboy degrading all women – conservative or otherwise – in an abnormally sexist […]

  33. […] of the Playboy attack list on AOL’s Politics Daily. Christopher had first attempted to post this criticism of Playboy’s sick list the day it was published on their website. However, he was surprised to find that shortly after […]

  34. […] of the Playboy attack list on AOL’s Politics Daily. Christopher had first attempted to post this criticism of Playboy’s sick list the day it was published on their website. However, he was surprised to find that shortly after […]

  35. […] of the Playboy attack list on AOL’s Politics Daily. Christopher had first attempted to post this criticism of Playboy’s sick list the day it was published on their website. However, he was surprised to find that shortly after […]

  36. All this hate, fuck!

  37. […] of the Playboy attack list on AOL’s Politics Daily. Christopher had first attempted to post this criticism of Playboy’s sick list the day it was published on their website. However, he was surprised to find that shortly after […]

  38. .
    Good post. Just imagine the justified ‘Liberal’ outrage if say, ‘Hustler’ Magazine ran a disgusting parody where Rush, Hannity, Beck, Savage and Ann Coulter gang-raped and tickle-tortured Katie Couric, and then Nancy Pelosi.

    Imagine. The outrage would last for months in the MSM. There would be calls for firings and boycotts. NOW would be apoplectic. Poor little outraged, hypocritical Libs.


    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    joke about raping women

    if they are conservative
    EVIL freedom lovers…

    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    always rape women…

    who are conservative
    they’re just gender traitors

  39. […] of the Playboy attack list on AOL’s Politics Daily. Christopher had first attempted to post this criticism of Playboy’s sick list the day it was published on their website. However, he was surprised to find that shortly after […]

  40. […] of the Playboy attack list on AOL’s Politics Daily. Christopher had first attempted to post this criticism of Playboy’s sick list the day it was published on their website. However, he was surprised to find that shortly after […]

  41. […] the commentary. And then the reaction went beyond ridiculous when AOL’s Politics Daily fired Tommy Christopher for writing an article highly critical of Cimbalo’s work, and possibly also for his role in […]

  42. Mr. Christopher, you already earned my respect a long time ago for your fair-mindedness and I applaud you for fighting the good fight here. I think the most important thing you said here is this:

    “What’s worth noting, too, is that although he singles out conservative women, the author belies a hostility toward all women.”

    Many thanks for doing the right thing.

  43. […] of the Playboy attack list on AOL’s Politics Daily. Christopher had first attempted to post this criticism of Playboy’s sick list the day it was published on their website. However, he was surprised to find that shortly after […]

  44. […] of the Playboy attack list on AOL’s Politics Daily. Christopher had first attempted to post this criticism of Playboy’s sick list the day it was published on their website.  Surprise, surprise, he learned that shortly after […]

  45. I wonder how Guy Cimbalo would feel if women started a list of all the men they wanted emasculated. Would that qualify as satire? Hmm? Shame that Christopher was fired for attempting to expose Guy’s sick piece! Playboy does not celebrate women it degrades them. Playboy should have been boycotted years ago, along with all the putrid celebrities who associate themselves one way or another with the playboy company. The women who pose for playboy are nothing short of an embarrassment to the Human Race! And all of the men who work their are a bunch of misogynistic losers who probably do beat their girlfriends and rape women who they felt were “asking for it”. The police should keep Guy under surveillance! And all women should run the other way when they see Hef or anyone associated with the playboy company.

  46. […] hate-filled and misogynistic write-up drew the condemnation of many conservatives and even some liberals. Yet Anne Schroeder Mullins of remains unimpressed and disturbingly amused by […]

  47. Playbot hating women wow what is the world coming to? We have a New Playboy her name Cubana Lust you can see her at and it is a very GOOD LOOK or Mahalo

  48. I didn’t agree with your take on it, but it’s absurd and horrible that you were fired. You had the right to express your own opinion, and others had the right to agree or disagree. And I’m very, very sorry you were axed for stupid political reasons.

  49. Political or social, sex would always be part of our society no matter what happens.
    Others already considered it as their BASIC NEEDS..

  50. […] AOL has since removed Tommy’s post and fired him; see the original post here, and On Playboy and the Firing of Tommy […]

  51. I don’t get it… what’s wrong. That shit was hilarious. All the things those nutbags say, and we’re supposed to worry about ruffling their feathers over an obvious humor piece in a sex mag… give me an effing break. Where do we live, an episode of “Leave it To Beaver”? The 1950s are over people, the world has moved on and so should you.

  52. […] also claims that she had never read Christopher’s article regarding the Playboy controversy and implied that she was not, in fact, the one who deleted it from Politics Daily: I never even […]

  53. […] also claims that she had never read Christopher’s article regarding the Playboy controversy and implied that she was not, in fact, the one who deleted it from Politics Daily: I never even […]

  54. […] also claims that she had never read Christopher’s article regarding the Playboy controversy and implied that she was not, in fact, the one who deleted it from Politics Daily: I never even […]

  55. […] to start appearing before, say, October of 2011, reacted with a snarl; joined in by several liberal members of the blogosphere. Then one of the liberal critics got fired by AOL. Meanwhile, Playboy pulled the […]

  56. […] to start appearing before, say, October of 2011, reacted with a snarl; joined in by several liberal members of the blogosphere. Then one of the liberal critics (Tommy Christopher) got fired by AOL. […]

  57. […] after the Playboy article was published, Christopher slammed it in a post on his blog.  He then further pursued the story, part of which consisted of his […]

  58. […] Playboy Magazine Officially Hates Women, Conservative or Otherwise […]

  59. […] women. The outrage in the media? None. Instead, Tommy Christopher got fired from AOL for condemning […]

  60. […] Playboy Magazine Officially Hates Women, Conservative or Otherwise Update 4: Caleb Howe at Redstate has screenshots of the whole shameful mess.  The bunny can run… Update 3: […] […]

  61. […] their site for having had the effrontery of writing a critical commentary about the story, titled Playboy Magazine Officially Hates Women, Conservative or Otherwise. Not only did AOL fire Tommy, but an AOL editor also had previously deleted his article (which […]

  62. […] those of you who followed the saga of the Playboy “Hate F*** List,” it’s deletion by Playboy (then by Politico), my firing from Politics Daily, and its […]

  63. […] posted a list of the top 10 conservative women “we hate to love”—complete with a “hate-fuck” […]

  64. […] Christopher (who may be a sparring partner to many on my “side,” but has been a crucial defender of conservative women when the chips were down) is right: gender-baiting is usually in bad […]

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