Meghan McCain Quotes of the Week: Bras, Bugs, & Beta Males

Unfortunately, Meghan McCain’s boobs can’t really talk, but thankfully, Meg’s Twitter feed is such a treasure trove of good quotes, they really don’t have to.  Politico even put one of Meghan’s tweets in its “Politi-quotes: The week in one-liners,” but I think she deserves a whole list to herself.

First, there was Politico’s pick, Meg’s tweet about killing a cockroach in her sink.  Funnier than that, though, were her followups.  Apparently, this one spurred a flurry of cockroach fun facts:

WHAT? @HeyDaveJ Tip: Put a paper towel over the cockroach before you kill it. They carry eggs on their back, and that way they don’t spread. 9:58 AM Jun 27th from web

stop tweeting me about roach eggs people! good lord, I just killed one! 10:18 AM Jun 27th from web

I have to give Meg some props here.  Even though she said “Ewww!”, she did kill the roach herself.  Several years ago, I had a girlfriend who made me drive 2 hours to the City so I could kill a roach that she had trapped under a glass.  To be fair, the thing was the size of a Rottweiler puppy, but it was also missing a bunch of legs.

Now, killing is second nature to Meghan, putting her even more squarely in the “Cool Chick” category, the kind of girl that every guy wants to have a beer with, then have breakfast with.

My favorite Meg quote (aside from her perceptive take on our Meg story) was this 2-Tweet decimation of her conservative critics:

I love people that tell me “I’m doing damage to the GOP”, yeah cause Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Sen. Ensign, Gov Sanford and the entire Bush administration have nothing to do with the GOP’s problems, no…it’s my 5″1 ass in a pushup bra thats the real problem with the GOP… about 19 hours ago from web

She’s right, of course.  The problem isn’t her ass, but the GOP’s habit of telling people what to do with their own asses, while stealth-hunting extracurricular booty.

Finally, she launches a funny one-liner at Hot Air blogger Allahpundit, who self-deprecatingly refers to himself as a “beta male”:

@allahpundit I don’t like beta males darlin’, I am a lot of a lot to date and guys gotta be able to handle it! 12:41 AM Jun 27th from web in reply to allahpundit

At least now, he’ll know who to call if he needs some exterminating done for him.

Other highlights this week include her run-in with an unhinged taxi driver, smackdown of a jerky Twitter troll, and coinage of a great Battlestar Galactica-related catch phrase.  What I’m saying is, you’re missing out on a full life if you don’t follow Meg’s Twitter feed.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Channels OJ Simpson in Search of Neda’s Real Killer


It looks like Iran may be able to start it’s nuclear weapons program just by using the fissile material in Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s balls.  From Huffington Post:

9:20 AM ET — Ahmadinejad looking for Neda’s real killer. Oh brother. “President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad…asked a top judge Monday to investigate the killing of Neda Agha Soltan, who became an icon of Iran’s ragtag opposition after gruesome video of her bleeding to death on a Tehran street was circulated worldwide. Ahmadinejad’s Web site said Soltan was slain by ‘unknown agents and in a suspicious’ way, convincing him that ‘enemies of the nation’ were responsible.”

While Neda’s heartbreaking death has become a rallying cry, Ahmadinejad’s “mission statement” here will just as surely backfire on him, as will any attempt to trump up blame for Neda’s death on “provocateurs.”

Here in the US, people everywhere have been deeply affected by the fottage of Neda’s killing.  While there have been accusations of exploitation, I prefer to presume good faith even in wrongheaded invocations of the tragedy.  It is heartwrenching to be bystanders to what is happening in Iran, but that is where we find ourselves, watchers and retellers of someone else’s struggle.

New York Times’ Knee-Jerk Review of ‘Soraya’ is Dead Wrong


Ed Morrissey pointed me at the New York Times’ review of “The Stoning of Soraya M,” and I have to say, as predictable as it was, I’m still disappointed.  This is exactly the kind of unimaginative, knee-jerk, cover your ass reaction that John Ziegler warned me about when he told me about the film.  Let’s compare.  From my original review:

The film has some superficial things in common with “The Passion of the Christ,” such as the same production company (MPower Films), star (Jim Caviezel), and a graphic crucifixion.

And from the Times’ review:

Not since “The Passion of the Christ” has a film depicted a public execution in such graphic detail.

…The casting of Jim Caviezel as Freidoune Sahebjam, the Paris-based Iranian journalist whose 1994 best seller. “The Stoning of Soraya M.: A True Story,” recounted the incident, lends the movie a queasy connection to “The Passion of the Christ,” in which Mr. Caviezel played Jesus.

This is a stunning, awe-inspiring example of judging a book by its cover.  What a shame.

As Ed Morrissey points out, the Times’ reviewer doesn’t get his basic facts right, clocking the stoning at 20 minutes:

First, the stoning sequence lasts about eight minutes, not 20. It starts at the 1:31:30 mark, it’s over by 1:40, and it’s intercut with at least one flashback sequence.

This is a big problem, because lots of people are now going to stay away from this movie to avoid a 20 minute torture scene that isn’t there.  That’s a real shame.  The fact is, this scene, while bloody, is nothing at all like Passion of the Christ’s crucifixion scene.

The reviewer goes on to write the rest of the review from the Cynic’s Handbook. Continue reading

Update: ME Says No Head Trauma in Billy Mays Death, Heart Attack Likely

Update: A Florida Medical Examiner says it doesn’t look like the bumpy landing caused Billy Mays’ death, after all, but rather that he “likely died of a heart attack, but further tests are needed.”  What a strange coincidence, though.

In a week that saw the deaths of Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson (as well as the non-death of Jeff Goldblum), today brings a particularly cruel, seemingly random celebrity death.  Affable infomercial pitchman Billy Mays was found dead this morning, and his wife thinks it may have been because of an injury sustained during a rough landing yesterday:

Mays reportedly was hit on the head Saturday while aboard a US Airways flight that made a rough landing, and Mays’ wife told investigators the TV personality didn’t feel well before he went to bed Saturday night.

Amazingly, Mays was interviewed by a local Fox TV affiliate after the landing, and seemed to be OK.

Fresh from filming an Oxyclean commercial in Philadelphia, ‘Pitch Man’ Billy Mays was also thankful to be on the ground and back home in the Bay Area.

“All of a sudden as we hit you know it was just the hardest hit, all the things from the ceiling started dropping. It hit me on the head, but I got a hard head,” said Mays.

Although the cause of death has still not been determined, this underscores, as one Tweep noted, that “we should NEVER underestimate the danger of closed head injuries (Natasha Richardson).” Continue reading