Science Czar John Holdren, You’re on My Radar


There’s a narrative developing on the right about Barack Obama’s new Science and Technology czar, John Holdren, that posits him as a cross between Aldous Huxley, L. Ron Hubbard, and their own  nightmare vision of Al Gore.

At issue are excerpts from a 1977 book, “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment,” which was co-written by Holdren with Anne H. Ehrlich and Paul R. Ehrlich.  Excerpts from the book are being touted by Michelle Malkin, and a host of other right-wing blogs.  This is the “liftoff” phase of a new meme-let, part of the broader “WTF with all the czars?” narrative.  (For now, I won’t get into why they decided to use “Czars” as the title.  Why not “Pharoahs” or “Capos?” Both cooler.)

Moe Lane zeroes in in a passage that he says cuts at both sides of the aisle: Continue reading