Limbaugh: Obama Eyes Third Term, Made Jacko Die

I’ve never been that interested in Rush Limbaugh as a source of my political angst. People with actual power were always way better at getting me fired up. With the last vestige of the Bush administration, the android Dick Cheney, slowly fading from public view, I can’t help but notice that Limbaugh has been really trying lately. He’s tossing out redder meat each day and I think it’s time he was (briefly) recognized, especially since the satirical Presidency of Barack Obama that Rush reports on daily from a parallel universe just got a whole lot more interesting over the last 24 hours.

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Video: Chip Reid and Helen Thomas Give Gibbs What-the-Frak-For

Man, I miss all the good stuff!

At today’s White House Press Briefing, Chip Reid and Helen Thomas went at Robert Gibbs like he was a piñata.  The subject was the President’s town hall meeting on healthcare today, and the manner in which the questions were selected.  Reid starts the show, and Helen tags in about halfway through to deliver the scissor-kick: (h/t Hot Air)

It’s a matter of record that I admire Helen a great deal, and when I say that she (along with Reid) may have been overstating a few things (particularly with regard to “Pitney-gate”), that’s also what makes her such a great correspondent.

There’s no doubt that a significant amount of stagecraft went into the town hall meeting, and the dynamic duo obviously have a point, evidenced by Gibbs’ attempts to avoid it: (via email) Continue reading

Coleman Finally Feels the Fork, Concedes to Franken


It’s official.  Not only has the Minnesota Supreme Court stuck a fork in Norm Coleman by declaring Al Franken the winner of that Senate race, but incumbent Norm Coleman has acknowleged said fork by conceding to the former SNL’er.

“The Supreme Court has made its decision and I will abide by the results,” Coleman told reporters outside his St. Paul home.

“In these tough times we all need to focus on the future, and the future is that we have a new United States senator,” Coleman said.

This is really the most important part, because it means there won’t be further appeals and challenges by Coleman, and Franken can get on with the business of representing his state.

Of course, it’s great for the Democrats to finally have that magical 60th seat locked down, for all the good it will do that herd of cats.

What really sticks out in my mind is the bleating invocation of Bush v Gore by my fellow liberals at Coleman, asking why now it’s OK to challenge, but Gore was expected to “move on, get over it, quit being pissy.”

Sure, it’s a contradiction, one you point out once.  We’re all grownups, we know there is shit you say just to win.  Why is it OK for the Republican to challenge now, but not then?  Because he lost now, not then.  Duh.  Do you think Dick Howser wouldn’t have used the Pine Tar Rule the very next day if it would have helped him win a game?  Hell yes.

So, mention it once to show your opponent is an ass, not ad nauseum to show you’re a child.