Troopergate Dem Filed Intent to Run 2 Days Before Sarah Palin’s Resignation


Even though it undercuts my Moderate Reaper Theory, and I’m not convinced of a causal link, one of my tweeps pointed out something too intriguing to ignore.

It seems that Alaska State Senator Hollis French, the driving force behind the “Troopergate” investigation, sensed something in the air before the Palin resignation storm hit: (From ADN)

Democratic state Sen. Hollis French filed an intent to run for governor Wednesday. But French said it’s just a technicality and doesn’t mean he will run for sure next year. “It’s just simply a preliminary step towards making a final decision but also keeping the dialogue going … continuing the conversation I’ve been having with a lot of people about what sort of governor they want to have in the next election,” he said.

As I said before, it is intriguing, especially in light of the way French soft-pedals the news.  It could be a coincidence, or it could be that French got wind of the resignation, which Palin says had been brewing for some time.

It’s also remotely possible that French pulled a string on Sarah Palin’s exit.  One thing we’ve all learned from Sarah Palin’s time on the stage is that Alaska state politics is a nasty game.  Perhaps, in the course of digging into the Troopergate scandal, French shook something loose, and tucked it away for future use.

We’ll have to see what happens next, but I don’t like the French Theory nearly as much as the Moderate Reaper.  It’s just not as sexy.

On a side note, am I the only one who thinks of Run DMC when I hear the name Hollis French?

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